Cool particle intro | editing video in kinemaster | tutorial video



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my name is Stanislaw Robert Luberda with lalmir  tech and today we're going to be talking about emitters in Apple motion this is not going to be an exhaustive tutorial talking all about the different functions of emitters but this is for people who are brand new to emitters and don't understand how they work this is a first of a series of tutorial talking about emitters and here are some examples of some things that you can kind of make with it all of this that you're seeing on the screen here is just the same circle being emitted in different ways another example I have here is this little star field that I put together and again all of this is that same circle that we see here being emitted in a three dimensional space what we're actually going to be creating in this lesson is going to be this example right here so it is a very simple kind of bokeh background got some undulating particles you can see some of them flashing in and out so without further ado let's go ahead and get started when you open up Apple motion it's going to look a lot like this the very first thing I like to do when I'm putting together some sort of motion graphics is give ourselves a background so I'm just going to come up to my add object generators and I'm going to come down to image generators gradient by default this or gradient looks like I'm just going to go into our inspector and very quickly go ahead and set this gradient to adjust our gradient so we're going to take something like this a little blue and I want to stretch out how that gradient is I'm going to go to adjust item and we're actually giving a visual representation of our gradient here so I'm just going to spread that out quite a bit just so we have a nice background and I'm going to go ahead and rename this BG the basis of all emitters are a couple things a particle generator or in this case an emitter system and a shape or some sort of source particle let's go ahead and make a new group and we're just going to call this one emitter and in this emitter I'm just going to grab a circle shape I'm going to hold on to shift out option just to make sure I have a perfect circle here and we're going to leave that just as is in fact I'm going to call this circle here particle source as soon as I have my particle source I have that selected in my layer here and I'm going to go up to make particles and when I hit make particles a couple of different things happen my original source gets turned off by default it's still there it's just turned off and it is now a particle cell which means this is the thing that is going to be emitted in this third thing our emitter system so once we have our emitter system if I play this back you can see what's happened here is I have all these circles kind of shooting out from the center point it's a little hard to see so what I'm going to do is go to my original particle source we're going to go to the properties and we're just going to turn down that opacity a little bit so now we can kind of see each one of these particles is being shot out from the center point that's really interesting because if I come down to Miami Terr I can see I've got my properties behaviors filters and emitter I'll click on my emitter settings and this is how we adjust all our emitters here so in this case we are emitting from a certain shape that shape is a point which means all of these source particles here this circle is emitting from this center point and I can change that if I want to I can change this to let's say a line and now it is actually emitting it across a line although you can't really see it too well we're going to go back down to our adjust item and across here you can see the point that's being emitted from so if I drag this out from one side to the other I will play this back from the beginning we can start seeing how those particles are shooting out from so let's keep going with this let's go back into our meter and our emitter setting so we have our line here and I'm going to change this one more time to a rectangle you can see we can adjust exactly where this is emitting from by default when we have a to set to tile Phil and what that means is there's actually in this sized rectangle here which is about two thousand three hundred pixels I have five columns and 5 rows that things are actually emitting from if I change this to let's say 1 i1 well that's basically a point emitter now so we're going to change that back to five five five and instead of tile fill we have outline which means it's only going to be emitting from that rectangular shape that we have here so if i zoom this out that's actually where we're emitting from this solid line and if I go to random fill throughout this whole thing it's going to be emitting so that's perfect that's exactly what I want right now so let's keep going a little bit further we're going to be ignoring this emit at points or 3d or any of this for right now where this is going to be in another lesson but I do want to hit interleave particles now let's move down here to the cell control what does cell control is is basically this control here you'll notice if I click on this particle source here in the cell it's the same exact menu the reason why we have it in two places is currently I only have one cell so I can actually throw in multiple cells in here and emit several different things at once again that's going to be in a further lesson so let's just keep going I'm in my cell control here and we can adjust the birth rate the birth rate is how many particles that we're going to be releasing per second so in this case it's going to be 30 if I change this down to 1 we have very few particles actually being emitted if I change this to say a thousand we're going to have quite a lot of particles being emitted at once and I just want to point out a caveat with the particle systems in motion is it is not like what you may expect in particular by red giant in After Effects motion I found has a very hard time replicating tens of thousands of particles and it completely locks up my version of motion and my whole Mac and I have a pretty good Mac it definitely is not suited for gianormous part systems to create lots of different smoke patterns as believably as particular so with that out of the way let's change this to say maybe 2 1 t so now that we have our birth rate that's how many particles are being emitted we have our birth rate randomizer or what this means is it will randomize how many particles per second so sometimes it'll be 20 sometimes they'll be 40% more of that 20 or 40% less of that 20 depending on the second so we're going to change that back down to zero our initial number refers to how many particles we're going to have emitted on the screen before we even get started so you'll notice that when I play this back there's no particles on the screen and then they start up well there's times that we want particles on the screen already so we have like a running start so if I change this to 20 we already have 20 on the screen and it keeps emitting 20 a second next we have the life of our particles each particle that's being emitted if I change this down to let's say 1 we're going to change this down to 1 we have just one particle being emitted here per second if I change this life to say 0.2 seconds our particles still going to MIT but it's only going to live for 0.2 seconds and then it disappears so if I crank up this number again to 20 you can see they're kind of popping out and popping off because each particle has a maximum life of 0.2 seconds now just like we had our birth rate randomness we have our life randomness as far as I can tell the life randomness is connected to with the actual life so this would be an extra 65 on top of 0.2 so for example if this was maybe 1 second point 8 this would vary between 0 and 65 per particle for example if I change this down to 8 we still have some flashing on and off we're going to just change that back down to zero and we're going to make our life particles about seven seconds moving right down we have our speed and our speed refers to how fast it's shooting out from our emitter just to illustrate this a little bit better I'm going to go back down to this line where we saw before and I'm going to go back into my particle source and we have our speed set to zero which means these particles never leave that line but as this number increases they will shoot out faster in random directions from that source emitter so we're going to change that back down to rectangle and now they're shooting off in all these different directions from that original random Phil so we're going to take this speed and we're going to turn it real low we're going to turn this down to like 15 they're still moving but very slowly and you can see they're still popping on and popping off that may not be something that I necessarily want maybe I want them to fade on and fade off or maybe I want to color them well that's what we have down here we have our color mode and our opacity over life by color mode original it is going to use whatever the original color of this particle is so if I turn this particle back on and let's say make this red all the particles are going to use the original color of red I'm going to undo that here and just keep it white for right now let's go into the rest of the color modes we have colorize which means we can say hey take all the particles and make these blue if i duplicate this cell i have two different particle sources being emitted and I can make one blue and one green right now they're just overlapping so I can come down to my random seed and change the position of which they're actually emitting so if I turn off my background here you can see I have my two sets of particles we're going to get rid of this second one and we'll turn our background back on and our source off we have our colorize we can actually give it color over life meaning it's going to start at this color and end at this color I twirl this down I can add lots of different colors or I can change this so maybe it'll start red and then as they start dying off they'll turn blue or we can pick from a color range that means each particle is going to pick between this color and this color somewhere along this path if I choose a different gradient here let's say greyscale now they're going to be choosing between these colors I can also say industrial sky now they're choosing between these colors or I can make my own I'm going to change this back to original and let's talk about opacity over life so that's really what we want to do here I'm going to take this opacity over life and you can see I have passed at 100% we're going to take this opacity and we're going to start it at zero so right now there's only one opacity and it's just whacked out because they're at zero I'm going to add a second one right about here we're going to make this one about let's say 50% and I'm going to add another one by just clicking here and a last one here we're going to change this one down to zero what this effectively means is that each particle is going to start at 0% opacity go up to 50 stay at 50 throughout its life at this point let's say this is maybe if it's where we had 7 seconds this is probably at the 6 second mark it is going to fade back out into zero so we never see them pop on anymore they just kind of fade on and fade off and that's really what I'm looking for moving right down to the bottom here we have our scale and this will scale each one of our particles in the background here so I like to have for that one background a bit of a higher scale because we also have a scale randomness so we can say hey all those particles in the background let's randomize how big they are between 0 and 100 34% some are going to be smaller some are going to be bigger just like we had our life randomness and then down here we have our random seed a random seed is a random number in which the particles generate from so when we create it at second set of particles I hit the random seed button to change the randomness of how they're going to be emitted now I'm going to crank down this number to say about 15 and let's pump up the scale a little bit here and I'm going to come down to my original particle source and let's turn up that opacity just a wee bit more we're going to go into our emitter and under the properties of the actual emitter we're going to change this blend mode to additive you can see that's acting at across the entire emitter layer so let's go ahead and we're going to leave that as is for right now we're going to come back and clean this up let's make a secondary emitter so we're going to call this emitter eg and I want to duplicate this emitter here so we have those other smaller particles that we saw in our example we saw here so we've got these really really small particles here and then we're going to make this last one down here alright so we're going to take this emitter background I'm going to duplicate it by hitting Kamandi we're going to call this one emitter middle and I'm going to turn off this background for right now and we're all we're going to do here is change the settings of our emitter you want to rectangle again maybe we don't want it that big maybe we want it about this big we want our birthrate to be a bit higher but we're going to take our scale quite a bit smaller and I'm actually going to take the scale randomness all the way down so they're all the same size and let's make that a bit bigger here we'll give it a shorter life and we're going to bump up this birthrate all right so if I turn on my background at that got my foreground here and they're kind of popping out and popping off I want these to be a bit brighter so I'm going to go to my opacity we're going to change this to about 75 75 let's actually make the life about four seconds so they're really starting to pop on and pop off and let's add a little bit more speed so they're moving a little bit faster I'm going to make one more emitter here and we're going to call this one emitter center and I'm going to change this emitter center to a line and there's our line and we want our speed small so right there in the center and I'm going to go to my just item and I'm going to drag out this line quite a bit further in order to make this scale a little bit smaller so maybe 12% and I want these particles to flash a little bit like we saw in our example here to make these flash what I did was I took the opacity I added some bright spots so I took another opacity here I took it up to let's say 90 and then right next to that I made another one that was zero again and another one that was bit higher and then a bit lower again so already you can start seeing them kind of flashing on and flashing off so I just keep adding these to make them brighter and then dimmer so now we've got this nice flash particle system so I'm going to turn that background emitter back on and that's very very bright and everything kind of looks the same so we want that background to kind of look like it's off in the distance so I'm going to come under my library we're going to go under our filters and add a blur to it I'm just going to take a regular Gaussian blur and put it right on that emitter now that I have that gosh blur I can go into my inspector and we can really start pumping that up and I'm also going to go to the properties and let's just take that opacity down a little bit I'm going to do the same thing with the middle emitter here so I'm actually going to copy command see this Gaussian blur to this middle section command V and we have that same thing and I'm just going to cut this amount down a little bit so that's the basics of working with emitters in Apple motion emitters are a ginormous topic that I could cover all in one lesson but I just want to give you enough information to get up and running with it while you're looking at particle emitters I want you to check out your library and if you go under your particle emitters here there are a ton of different emitters already installed with Apple motion if you don't have these make sure you just go down to motion download additional content and that will install but I want you to check out some of these as far as like the vapors or some of the smoke to give you an idea of some things you can do with that for example if I grab this vapors here which is its own layer I want you to check out this vapor that is built out of this lightning one blurred which brings up one last thing I want to talk about pretty much anything can be an emitter particle if I come down to my content here and I'm going to just replace these middle particles here so I turned off my Center in my background open up my middle particle and I'm going to go down to my content and we're just going to check out particle images and for example here let's find something like this ler 0 1 if I drag that into my layers we're going to turn that off I'm going to take this blur one and drop it right into this middle emitter now all of those particles have been replaced with this blur one so let's say I don't want to do that I wanted to be replaced with this cube I'm going to drag this cube into my project and I'm going to replace that and now all those particles are actually playing back this video file of this spinning cube so that's the basics of working with emitters in Apple motion again my name is Stanislaw Robert Luberda with AV-Ultra hopefully you found this information useful thanks a lot for watching 
Cool particle intro